New Writer Spotlight

Underwords’ literary blog wanted to create a special place to give attention to new writers. These are not necessarily writers who have been published by Underwords Press.


With so many voices vying for attention within the publishing industry, it can be difficult for a new writer to be heard above the general buzz within the market. Who are the new writers? What are they publishing? Where are they publishing?

The New Writer Spotlight is Underwords’ way of introducing established writers, publishers, and readers to these new and emerging voices within the science fiction/fantasy/horror industry. Our goal is twofold: 1) to introduce you to the work of new and emerging writers, and 2) to introduce you to the person behind the work.

For the purposes for the New Writer Spotlight, the definition of a new writer ranges from someone who has published her first professional story to someone with a few years of publications to her credit as well as established writers who are producing work within a new genre.

Listing by Publication Date:

Listing by Last Name:

2 Responses to New Writer Spotlight

  1. o.j. Nkeonye says:

    hi, i am an upcoming writer and i am about to publish my first book … a touching psychological thriller. I was wondering if my book could be mentioned on this website. thanks

  2. Nick says:

    Hi there,

    My names Nick and I’m an avid reader and fan of your blog. I’ve had some of my comics published (I did the Game Guy comic strip in Gameinformer magazine for years) and my first novel is releasing on March 3rd. I’d love to talk to you about reviewing it or possibly setting up an interview.
    The book is called Adam Exitus and is the first in a series of young adult science fiction novels. If you think you might be interested in giving it a read let my know and I can have my publisher send you a copy.

    Hope to hear back from you soon.

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