The One Image Interview: Silence

This month, the One Word Interview has a special edition – The One Image Interview. Just as the authors of the One Word Interview have been asked to respond to the word SILENCE, we have also asked several talented photographers to participate by sharing images that represent what silence means to them. But first, to set the mood, a short piece on silence Nathalie Boisard-Beudin.



Silence would be a black and white photograph for the absolute value of the concept. The picture might be distressed at the edges because absolute as such only exists as a scientific concept; total silence so evanescent that it has to be engineered.
A mirror that has forgotten the art of reflecting.
Or a fracture across an otherwise pristine wall.
Silence as an absence.
Silence as a presence.
Stubbornness in the eye of a child.
Or in the tensed back of the adult he or she might grow into.
Four padded walls, no windows, no exit.
A derelict hospital, abandoned years ago.
A broken shell that will not even retain rumours of the sea.
Or a stumped flower blossom, frozen into inaction.
Silence as a statement.
Silence as a lie.
The register of shock on a face that should have seen it all already, yet has not.
Or a comforting shadow, numbing life’s sharp edges.
Silence as a burst of colours still, so loud it cancels everything else – the ultimate supernova.
Silence as a black hole.
Silence as pandemonium.
Silence. Potentially anywhere and in practice nowhere at all.
by Nathalie Boisard-Beudin


“Through the Keyhole, Kilmainham Gaol” by Erin Underwood


“Stone Lantern” by Lucy Huntzinger


Untitled by Nathalie Boisard-Beudin


“Military Cemetery” by Owen Franken


Untitled by Kyle Cassidy


“Nusco Paternopoli” by Robbin Gheesling


“Jesse’s Stairway, Brooklyn” by Michael Kimball

s i l e n c e . . .

Be sure to also view the companion interview,
The One Word Interview: Silence

About Erin Underwood

BIO: Erin Underwood is the senior event content producer for MIT Technology Review’s emerging technology events. On the side, she reads, writes, and edits SF. Erin also reviews movies, TV series, and books on YouTube.
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8 Responses to The One Image Interview: Silence

  1. Dragonsally says:

    Wow, this is all so provocative.

    Your photo send shivers down my spine.

    • Thanks, Sally. What’s most surprising about Kilmainham Gaol is how beautiful parts of it are in contrast to it’s darker elements…such as the gaol cells. When I bent down to peer through the keyhole into the cell, the grim loneliness of the tiny space truly affected me. I’m so glad I took the picture, and I’m even happier that the camera actually took a nice shot through the tiny keyhole!

  2. How I love the light in that last picture!
    Thanks for a fun challenge, Erin!

    • You’re welcome. Truly I should be thanking you! Thank you for participating with both a photo and your lovely prose poem. 🙂

      I have to agree about the lighting in that last photo. I love it.

  3. A remarkable piece of prose, and matched by the images

  4. ariandalen says:

    Well done, everyone!

  5. Terri-Lynne says:

    Wow–all so evocative. All so beautiful.

  6. AIR JORDAN I. In 1984, after winning a national title at the University of North Carolina and a Gold Medal at the Olympic games in Los Angeles

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